Field 44C: Latest Date of Shipment

Article 44C: Latest Date of Shipment is a field under the MT 700 Issue of a Documentary Credit swift message. This field identifies the latest date for loading on board/dispatch/taking in charge.


What is Field 44C: Latest Date of Shipment?

Field 44C: Latest Date of Shipment is a field in MT 700 swift message type that is used to specify the latest date for loading on board/dispatch/taking in charge.

This is an optional field.

Date must be a valid date expressed as YYMMDD.

Latest date of shipment will apply only to the presentations that contain at least one transport document as described in the latest version of the UCP.

Please be careful that below documents are not considered as a transport document according to the UCP 600.

  • Delivery Order,
  • Forwarder’s Certificate of Receipt,
  • Forwarder’s Certificate of Shipment,
  • Forwarder’s Certificate of Transport,
  • Forwarder’s Cargo Receipt
  • Mate’s Receipt

Therefore, these documents will be examined in the same manner as other documents for which there are no specific provisions in UCP 600, i.e., under sub-article 14(f).

If a presentation contains a transport document, then the goods must be shipped before the latest date of shipment and presentation must be completed within the presentation period stated in the credit.

If a presentation does not contain a transport document, then the latest date of shipment and presentation period should not used.

In any event, documents must be presented not later than the expiry date for presentation as stated in the credit.

MT 700
Field 44C: Latest Date of Shipment:
This field specifies the latest date for loading on board/dispatch/taking in charge.