Field 42a: Drawee

Article 42a: Drawee is a field under the MT 700 Issue of a Documentary Credit swift message. This field identifies the drawee of the drafts to be drawn under the documentary credit, if available.


What is Field 42a: Drawee?

Field 42a: Drawee is a field in MT 700 swift message type that is used to identify the drawee of the drafts to be drawn under the documentary credit.

This is an optional field.

A credit must not be issued available by a draft drawn on the applicant.

A credit may be issued requiring a draft drawn on the applicant as one of the required documents, but must not be issued available by drafts drawn on the applicant.

The draft must be drawn on the party stated in the credit.

The draft must be drawn by the beneficiary.

MT 700
Field 42a: Drawee:

The drawee must be a bank. If drafts on the applicant are required, they are to be listed as documents in field 46A.

The Party Identifier must not be present.


When used, fields 42C and 42a must both be present.

Either fields 42C and 42a together, or field 42M alone, or field 42P alone may be present. No other combination of these fields is allowed.